Tobacco Trailer Blues
The Band The Music The People

I look in your window and watch you undress,
I'm drinking beer and smoking cigarettes"

     -Heart of Stone

(Click Images to Enlarge)

The Band TTB TTB at the Tank TTB at the White Trash Luau

TTB with David Allan Coe On Stage at the White Trash Luau
Patrick at the mikeDarryl live at driving the beat TTB Live at The Cave Tim ind Darryl in their Threads Frank playing it cool
John on the Drums TTB with David Allan Coe TTB with David Allan Coe
Darryl, Frank, & John TTB with David Allan Coe  

Ain't no confession going to change the way I feel
Just means another person besides me knows the deal...
I try to justify the willingness to misbehave
Temptations reconciled only when I'm in the grave...

Take it to the grave

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